"In I999. a Japanese woman -Keiko Kobayashi- started a private humanitarian project. She was a lone pioneer who —in 2004- succeeded in building an Elementary School at the foot of Tai Mountain. China. Her inspiration began to spread. and in 2005. the filming of 'Jun Ai'(Pure Love) movie in China was born.
In 2007 the film was released in Japan and partook at the Angel Film Awards of the Monaco International Film Festival.
Subsequently, in 2008, the movie was released in Chinese Theaters and participated at the UNHCR's Refugee Film Festival.
China Central Television(CCTV), the predominant state television broadcaster in mainland China, aired Jun Ai in 2010. Also in the same year. it was screened at the Princess Anne Theater, home of London's British Academy of Film and Television Arts(BAFTA).
A Special Screening for the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Charity was held in Tokyo in 2011. And another special private screening was held that year by the House of Lords Wisdom Trust in the UK.
This 2012, 'Jun Ai' is currently participating at the Sedona International Film Festival.
We created this website aiming to extend the reach of Jun Al the movie and Jun Al projects in a global scale.
At present, the movie is being screened with three subtitles. Breaking the barriers of language, one can enter the theater and experience a multicultural exchange between Japanese, Chinese and English speaking characters.
In the near future. the film would also feature Japanese-Chinese-French, Japanese-Chinese—Korean, and Japanese—Chinese-Arabic subtitles. We aspire to spread the message of peace and love born between this Japanese and Chinese love story.
In expanding the scope of our circle we are also giving a legacy to the children of the next generation.
With one movie, Jun Ai aspires to bring the world together. With one movie, we start a bond for the world to become one family."
Keiko Kobayashi(Executive director of NPO Jun Ai International Peace Fund) Profile
Born in Tokyo. Japan-China co-production film 'Jun Ai'(release in Japan, 2007). Launch of Keiko Kobayashi’s Hope Elementary School Fund at Taishan, Shandong Province, China(2004). Jun Ai Kindergarten Opened at Taishan, Shandong Province, China(2008).
'Jun Ai' showtimes
August 8th from 2-5pm, 光塾(渋谷区渋谷3-27-15-B1F)
August 9th from 2-5pm, 〃
August 21th from 6:30-9pm, 池袋 studio(池袋二丁目68-1-B3F)
August 22th from 2-5pm, 〃
August 23th from 2-5pm, 〃
【Multicultural One Family Festival 2015】
1. Multicultural Society Forum
....August 1, Sat, 1-4PM
2. Exhibits and shops
....August 15, Sat & 16, Sun, 10 AM
....Hibiya Park Fountain Open Space
3. Cultural Performance
....August 16, Sun, 10AM-4PM
....Hibiya Park Small Open-Air Concert Hall
【Multicultural One Family Festival 2015】Theme Song 'Colors of the Human Race'/ Kirari
【Summit】The Nuclear Security Summit 2014
【日韓交流】 2013日韓平和シンポジウム 2013한일평화심포지움
【ASEAN】23rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits
【Sports】TOKYO2020 FINAL Presentation FILM