Kazuko Yamaguchi(Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation Executive Director/Left), Gilyong Lee(Hanbit Welfare Association/right)
The awards ceremony for "The 2012 Republic of Korea Hansen's Disease Grand Prize" was held on December 4 in Seoul, South Korea. Eight persons and organizations in South Korea and other countries were honored for their contribution to people affected by leprosy in such areas as health, social welfare, human rights, media and culture. Among the overseas recipients, Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation received the human rights award and Professor Klaus M. Leisinger, chairman of Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development, received the health award. Please visit the following websites to learn more about what these two foundations are doing around the world. Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation http://www.smhf.or.jp/e/ Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development http://www.novartisfoundation.org/
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