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Matthew "Matt" Harding je americký herní vývojář a internetová celebrita známá jako "Dancing Matt" pro jeho populární videa Where the Hell is Matt?, na kterých tančí svůj specifický tanec před památkami a zajímavými místy v mnoha zemích světa.
Pochází původně z Westportu v Connecticutu. Od střední školy pracoval v herním průmyslu, například pro Activison, nicméně časem ho začala jeho práce frustrovat. Opustil ji poté, co jeho vedoucí vzali vážně jeho sarkasticky myšlený návrh, aby v příští hře bylo úkolem postřílet celé lidstvo. Toto mimochodem vyústilo v hru Destroy All Humans!
Ve svých videích chce lidi povzbudit k cestování a zároveň ukázat zajímavá místa na světě.
"Trip The Light. We’re gonna trip the light. We’re gonna break the night. And we’ll see with new eyes. When we trip the light."
Trip the light
If all the days that come to pass
Are behind these walls
I’ll be left at the end of things
In a world kept small
Travel far from what i know
I’ll be swept away
I need to know
I can be lost and not afraid
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Remember we’re lost together
Remember we’re the same
We hold the burning rhytm in our hearts
We hold the flame
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
I’ll find my way home
On the Western wind
To a place that was once my world
Back from where I’ve been
And in the morning light I’ll remember
As the sun will rise
We are all the glowing embers
Of a distant fire
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Come on and trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Music: Garry Schyman
Lyrics: Alicia Lemke and Matt Harding
Official homepage and blog
If all the days that come to pass
Are behind these walls
I’ll be left at the end of things
In a world kept small
Travel far from what i know
I’ll be swept away
I need to know
I can be lost and not afraid
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Remember we’re lost together
Remember we’re the same
We hold the burning rhytm in our hearts
We hold the flame
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
I’ll find my way home
On the Western wind
To a place that was once my world
Back from where I’ve been
And in the morning light I’ll remember
As the sun will rise
We are all the glowing embers
Of a distant fire
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Come on and trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light
Music: Garry Schyman
Lyrics: Alicia Lemke and Matt Harding
Official homepage and blog
【Talent】Nina Conti - the art of ventriloquism at its best
【Funny】Dance for Unification
【Talent】3 year old kid blows away judges with dancing skills
【Talent】Amazing dance
【Talent】At 86 she is amazing - Respect to this lady
【Championship】B-boy Crew Battle Final Morning of Owl (Korea) v Body Carnival (Japan)
【Music】Best singing priest in Ireland! Fr Ray Kelly Singing Hallelujah!
【Talent】Darcy Oake's Jaw-Dropping Dove Magic
【Talent】Watch Brian Hull perfectly sings Frozen's 'Let It Go' as 21 classic Disney characters
【Music】'A Thousand Winds' by Hyo Jin Moon
【Music】"Let It Go" from Disney's 'Frozen'
【Music】Girl Sings "I Will Always Love You" Karaoke at Supermarket AMAZING!
【Music】Amazing Voice Sings Nessun Dorma
【Talent】David Garibaldi - Jesus Painting (Lakewood Church)
【Music】"To Believe" sung by Jackie Evancho
【Music】"Speak Softly Love" from "The Godfather"
【Music】King Kong sings soprano!
【Music】The Voice of the Philippines Lee Grane Maranan stuns judges
【Music】4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than Any Master
【Music】HOT K-POP 2010 30 songs in one
【Music】Jekyll & Hyde(musical) O.S.T. 「This is The Moment」
【Music】Soprano(ソプラノ)千恵Lee Sadayama(李千恵)
【Music】Billboard Music Awards 2013
【Music】The Eurovision Song Contest 2013