"Homosexuals who experienced the lack of a normal relationship between them and the same sex-parent, try to replenish it with homosexuality."(John Stott)
The church has generally failed to show love to homosexual people. The attitude of personal antipathy towards homosexuals is "homophobia", a mixture of irrational fear, hostility and even revulsion. The majority of homosexual people are probably not responsible for their condition and their conduct.
At the heart of the homosexual condition is a deep loneliness, the natural human hunger for mutual love, a search for identity and a longing for completeness. The alternatives are not only between the warm physical relationship of homosexual intercourse and the pain of isolation.
Now there is indeed a third option. The church can fulfill their needs through its warm acceptance, love and support of homosexuals. Heterosexual Christian people need to abandon their homophobia at the same time they claim homosexuals to abandon their habit.
Christians' anti-homosexuality movement is itself a divine warning against the Church. If no alternative can be found in the family of a church, Christians are not eligible to claim true love. True love is not incompatible with the maintenance of moral standards.
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